My boss recently went on an international trip and had her eyelashes done before she went. Yes, I said her eyelashes!
Prior to learning about eyelash extensions from her, I wasn’t even aware that one could have his/her eyelashes, “done”. Obviously I was very curious about this procedure, so I did a little bit of research and found that eyelash extensions are actually really popular these days. Just check your local newspaper or groupon site and you’ll probably find at least a couple of deals on eyelash extensions (the NYC section of Groupon is full of them recently!). Apparently eyelash extensions are the new “it” thing.
I guess I’m a little bit out of the loop because I have naturally long and luscious eyelashes (This might be the only part of my body that could be described as long and “luscious” so I’m going with it!).
Eyelash Extensions-FAQ
How do they stick?
Adhesive. What that adhesive is made of? I have no idea! I’d imagine it’s something more heavy duty than elmer’s glue but not as intense as super glue. Apparently some adhesives contain formaldehyde, which is obviously not something you’d want on your skin, particularly by your eyes! If you’re considering eyelash extensions you might want to ask about that first.
How much do they cost?
Are you sitting down? apparently $150 is the “low end” of the spectrum when it comes to eyelash extensions. A quick look on the web has yielded prices from $150 to $350 and more. The Lotus spa in Boston is offering the “runway lash” which includes application of 130 lashes per eye and costs $350! Application of said lashes takes approximately 3 hours.
Won’t they come off?
Apparently you shouldn’t shower in the first 24 hours after having them applied. After that you shouldn’t swim or steam or submerge yourself in water. You can’t rub your eyes or sleep on your stomach. No waterproof mascara, eyelash curlers or crying! Did you hear me? There’s no crying in eyelash extensions damn it, so pull yourself together, tell your boyfriend not to break up with you, and stay away from Marley and me marathons (Am I the only one who balled uncontrollably at the end of that movie?).
“Make them come off!”
The thought of pulling eyelashes out sounds pretty terrible, whether they are your “own” or not. Removal should be done by the professionals to avoid damage to your eyelid and natural lashes. Trimming your lashes (yes, I just said trimming-like with scissors by your eyes!) is NOT recommended.
Are they dangerous?
Aside from the formaldehyde (see above), there are a few other dangers. You might be allergic to the adhesive (think, bad allergic reaction, itching and swelling on your eye lids!) and your natural lashes might come out with the adhesive when you have the artificial lashes removed (probably not the look you were going for since you wanted more lashes to begin with). Good Morning America did a little story about the dangers of eyelash extensions here.
My Conclusion
I’m all about products and services that make people feel good about themselves. If I didn’t have eyelashes because of some sort of medical problem, I’d definitely want these. Are they worth the money to me? No way. Does my boss look very lovely in hers? Yes! Would I recommend them to others? I have no idea.
What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a cosmetic or spa procedure?
Would you spend $150 on eyelash extensions?
Image: Pumpkincat210