**Just FYI: This post reads better if you hum TLCs awarding winning song, “No Scrubs” as background accompaniment. Before anybody gets upset, scrub-like behavior can be found in guys and girls.**
Ever have a, “friend” cough cough, who’s significant other is a real user? You know, a first class, “scrub”? If you haven’t had this experience (good for you, keep doing what you’re doing), but if you have, here are some of the tell tale warning signs you snagged yourself a deadbeat.
Better Known as the Scrub Alert!:
- He always forgets his wallet at home when it’s his turn to pay
- He asks you to buy something and says he’ll pay you back, but doesn’t
- He borrows your car and brings it back on “E”
- He treats you like like his personal payday lender, borrowing to get by from month to month
- He asks for expensive gifts buy doesn’t reciprocate (if that’s what you want-I’d rather my bf save his cash, but that’s an aside)
- He drinks your good beer and never offers to buy another 6-pack, or replaces your good Belgian craft brew with Natty Light
- He asks you to pay his electric bill, “just this one time”
- He asked you for a loan and a year later he still hasn’t paid you back anything
- You share a place and are supposed to pay 50-50% but something always “comes up” and he’s not able to pay his share
- You put him on your cellphone family plan but he always, “forgets” to pay his part
- He asks you to co-sign for a car or apartment that you know he can’t afford
- He asks you to help out his mom or another family member with medical bills, but nobody can verify the family member is sick (ouch!).
- You’re supposed to buy groceries together for both of you, but when it’s his turn to buy he’s “on a budget” and when it’s your turn to buy he wants steak and ribs.
- He always claims he’s, “broke”, but mysteriously has money to buy video games and go drinking with his friends.
Just Saying…If you’re looking for a partner, you’re gonna want to weed these jerks out of your dating pool. Once you’re all giddy and in love, it’s harder to see your guy for what he is, a scrub! And, “a scrub is guy who can’t get no love from me!”
Chime in with some scrub-like behavior. Is your Sig. other making you broke?