Saturday night the bf and I went out for a date. Because the weather has been unseasonably warm we were able to take the dog with us and eat outside. I know there won’t be many more of these warm
summer fall nights left, so we’re trying to make the most of them.
After a tasty dinner and a few brews bf needed to use the restroom. When he got back from the restroom he told me the bathroom had an attendant. Since bf knows my feelings about bathroom attendants (yes I know it’s a weird “issue” to have feelings about), this was his way of “warning me” not to go. I’ll be honest, I think bathroom attendants are kind of weird and I’d rather hold it then have someone listen to me go. Sorry if that’s an over-share. If you think that’s gross stop reading, because the rest of the post is going down the crapper…literally.
I think it’s really awkward to have someone hovering near the bathroom door waiting for me to do my business. I mean, I appreciate how fresh you keep the john smelling, and how clean the vanity is when I lean against it to reapply my lipstick in the mirror, but I’m not super enthused about you listening to me tinkle. Or worse, imagine you need to do a number 2!
Yes I know most of us try to avoid public restrooms for the later, but on the rare occurrence you need to do so in “public” you’re not trying to drop a deuce with an audience, right? And then, for the torture of making the attendant stand in said restroom with your dirty little secret you have to tip him/her. Embarrassing, weird, uncomfortable… Umm, Yes! And on top of all of “that”, I didn’t ask you to stand in here and listen to me go, so why should I have to pay you to hand me a towel?
The irony of all this to me, is this phenomena only seems to happen in nicer establishments. I guess if you can afford a fancy meal you can afford to tip the bathroom attendant? All that to say, if there is an attendant I give her a tip whether I’m freaked out or not, but I don’t like it! I paid all that money to the establishment for my meal and now I have to pay to pee? What’s next? Charge me for the toilet paper?
How do you feel about bathroom attendants? Do you mind “paying to pee?”
Somewhat related side note, my co-worker just bought a product called poo-pourri (see below). According to her you spray some in the toilet bowl before you “go” and the smell is trapped under the water. I’ve never tried it, but she swears by it.
Image: Tobyotter