Think Yourself into Financial Failure
Do you believe that someone can think themselves into financial failure? I do! Have you ever been around someone who was always talking about how broke they are? You know the, “negative Nellies”, or...
View ArticlePersonal Finance is Personal-Butt Out
Have you noticed that the people; not just personal finance bloggers, but normal, regular folks, who chose to openly talk about money often receive a ton of unsolicited advice. Just mention a big...
View ArticleMy Finances, His Finances, Our Finances?
Reasonable people on both sides of the, “combined finances” debate have valid reasons why combining your finances with your significant other is a good (or bad) idea. Right now the boyfriend and I...
View ArticleFlood Your Car to Save Money
Ok, so we didn’t flood our car, but hurricane Sandy sure did. Thanks to an excessive influx of water in the garage we rent, our jeep was partially submerged in 3-feet of the Hudson River. The...
View ArticleHow to Spend Too Much This Valentine’s Day
Have a lot of money and want to spend it on expensive gifts for a over commercialized, “Hallmark” holiday? Great, then you’re in the right spot! Here are some of my favorite ideas for overspending...
View ArticleMy $30,000 Student Loan Mistake
Have you ever felt like you’re the lead character in a movie playing on slow motion? You know, like you can see yourself making a mistake, but can’t stop it from happening? Well, here’s my $30,000...
View ArticleBig Beer Companies Paid Me $350 Last Year
Recently snagged a rebate form when you bought a new phone? Got a rebate for that new printer? Rebates are popping up everywhere these days. Sadly, I suspect that most people don’t bother to fill out...
View ArticleMy Secret For Paying off $30K in Student Loan Debt
When I finished graduate school I owed $30,304.87 in student loan debt. Curious about how I got myself into that mess? I wrote about it here: Student Debt Denial and here: My $30,000 Student Loan...
View ArticleSex & The City on a Budget
Shortly after I graduated from college, I dreamed of moving to New York City and living a fun and fabulous lifestyle a la Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and The City. What I didn’t realize is that young...
View ArticleFinancial Lessons Learned From My 80 Year Old Grandma
I love my grandparents more than anyone the whole world. They are hard-working, “salt of the earth” folks who raised my mother and I in a small fishing village on the coast of Maine. My grandfather was...
View ArticleI’m Dating a Financial Stud!
This post will undoubtedly embarrass the boyfriend, so I’m apologizing in advance. Sorry honey, you’re a financial stud! When I first started dating the bf, one of the things that I was immediately...
View ArticleMean Spirited Friends: House Haters
A few months ago, a good friend of mine, we’ll call her, “Katie” to protect her privacy, approached me with the following situation/dilemma: A mutual friend of ours, “Sarah”, purchased a home with her...
View ArticleMy Spending Life Stages
Because I’ve been reading a lot of developmental theory lately (i.e. I’m a huge nerd!), I decided it would be fun to break down my spending into three psychosocial stages to better psychoanalyze my...
View ArticleI’m Not Cheap, You’re Broke!
Have you ever been teased by your friends or family because you choose to be frugal? You know, gentle ribbing by friends when you tell them that you aren’t going to go out to dinner with the crew...
View ArticleTake-out Temptation=Epic Budget Failure
Bf and I sat down a couple of weeks ago to do a budget. Because we’re not married we’ve continued to budget separately, but save together-ish, sort-of (but that’s a different post). Basically we just...
View ArticleCut Out of Dad’s Will? How My Dad Shapes My Finances
You can chose your friends, but you can’t chose your family, right? Good, bad or indifferent our parents are our role models and we soak up their knowledge, wisdom and (sometimes) bad financial...
View ArticlePre-owned Engagement Rings-Frugal or Tacky?
Bf and I have been dating for 4 years. Recently we’ve been talking about getting engaged. Yes, I’ve even included this in my goals for 2013. So when I came across an article in the March issue of...
View ArticleThe Fresh Direct Dinner Challenge
If you read my post last week about blowing my grocery budget on take-out. Don’t worry, I’ve found the solution. I call the solution, Fresh Direct. One of my goals for this year was to try new recipes...
View ArticleShe Works Hard For the Money: 7 Ways I Made Money During College
Ok, now I’m having a hard time focusing on writing this post, instead of humming the 1983 chart-topping single by Donna Summer. Did you know the woman Donna was singing about in the song was a bathroom...
View ArticleFinancial Lessons Learned From My 80-Year-Old Grandfather
So if fair is fair, I can’t write a post about the financial lessons learned from my 80-year-old grandmother on her birthday, and not include a post about financial lessons learned from my grandfather...
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