When I was a teen and young adult there were a lot of things that I wanted. A big house, a luxury car, designer clothing, fancy perfume, you name it, I wanted it. Did I have any of those things? No! Well maybe the fancy perfume-“Gucci Envy
” is totally “fancy” to a 16-year-old. Basically I wanted a lot of things that I didn’t really have growing up. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly wasn’t deprived as a child. I had everything I needed and most of what I wanted. From a young age, my parents taught us (I have two step-sisters) about the value of money and working hard.
By the time I was in 8th grade, I was making a little spending money babysitting in the neighborhood. That’s when my desire to buy “things” intensified. Thankfully, most people in my hometown in Downeast Maine don’t have big homes, luxury cars or designer clothing. Sure a few people have nice homes and Ralph Lauren sweaters, but most people (OK I can only speak for myself) didn’t know or care about Louis Vuitton, Yves St Laurent or Diane Von Furstenberg. In fact, I didn’t even know those particular brands existed (and were desirable) until I went away to college.
Now that I’m a little older and a little wiser, I realize that there are much more important and valuable things in life than fancy cars, Mc Mansions, and designer labels. To remind myself of the things that are really important I try to practice contentment in my day-to-day life. Basically, I just take a minute to remind myself of what I need, I want and I love.
Today here’s what that would look like:
I need: Basically nothing. Food: I have plenty of good quality food (and some convenience food that I probably shouldn’t be eating). Shelter: Bf and I are the proud owners mortgage holders of a lovely condo in a fun city. Clothing: I have far more clothing than I need. Income: I have a good job that provides stable income. Health: I have access to good health care if and when I need it. Obviously this is an abbreviated list, but you get the idea… I have many, many things to be thankful for.
I want: To take my grandparents on a vacation, to go on a monthly “date” with the bf so we stay connected and in-tune with each other. It doesn’t even have to be a date outside of our house-basically just a time set aside for us to unwind and enjoy each other like we used to do when we first started dating. To finish my course at school so that I can sit for my clinical licensure exam. And on a slightly more materialistic note, I do really like the Frye boots shown above. But I wouldn’t pay that much money for boots, so I’m looking for something similar in a lower price range.
I love: My family, my friends, my wonderful boyfriend, our growly dog and two loveable cats. Fall, pumpkins, apple cider and apple cider donuts, street fairs, farmer’s markets, handmade quilts on cool fall nights. The soothing click, click, click of my bamboo knitting needles. Thick raisin and cinnamon English muffins with homemade butter (ask me again why my weight has stayed the same for a month!).
Tell me what you need, want and love!
Image: ThePinkPeppercorn